Please note that items must be returned within 30 days of the purchase date.
  1. Simply download our returns form
  2. Print the returns form.
  3. Ensure the items you are returning meet all of our return policy requirements.
  4. Clearly fill out your details.
  5. Include the return form in your package.
  6. Please send your return to the following address:

Allee 59, 74072 Heilbronn


  • Returns received later than 30 days from the purchase date will receive a 5.00 EUR processing fee that will be deducted from your store credit note.
  • Returns received later than 35 days will not be accepted and will be returned to the customer. The Charmee is not responsible for return shipping costs.
  • If you have received a faulty Item, please email our customer support team within 5 days of receiving the package via Please wait for instructions before shipping your return. 
  • You will not be reimbursed returns fees if our support team have not sent you instructions via email, prior to returning the faulty items.
  • Be sure to use a traceable delivery method for returning your items, as The Charmee is not held responsible for lost/damaged returns in transit.
  • Returned products will be assessed upon arrival to ensure they comply with our returns policy.
  • Non-returnable items and/or returned items which do not comply with our returns policy will not be accepted and will be returned back to the customer. The Charmee is not responsible for return shipping costs.